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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Max International's newest Product -vitamins taken through cellular absorption.

Max International continues on their quest to be the most innovative wellness company in the world, and after being at the unveiling of their newest product last weekend in Salt Lake City, I can safely say they are achieving that goal.

Max N-Fuse is an unparalleled breakthrough in vitamin and mineral supplements, using cellular absorption and nanotechnology. Seems complicated, but really all this means is that nano-sized nutrients are being being delivered directly to the cells. This means the maximum amount of vitamins in the mininum amount of time, actually cutting cellular absorption down to one hour rather than 18-36 hours.

The cellular absorption delivers the vitamins to where they are needed most for optimal cell function. Max N-Fuze also povides needed nutrients to further support glutathione production, and also leptin sensitivity.

To learn more about Max N-Fuze and cellular absorption, check out

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Glutathione Studies Reviewed.

More and more people have recently learned about the power of glutathione, and what that means to us. There have been numerous glutathione studies reviewed that show what an increased level of gluathione can do to slow down the aging process, and help rid our bodies of toxins.

One of these glutathione studies was conducted at the University of Minnesota with MaxGXL and the results were amazing.

The patented formula provides the precursors that is needed by the body to manufacture and absorb glutathione.

Maxgxl glutathione studies also showed the impact that it had on the liver, thus helping the liver to function as the main production site and storehouse for glutathione.

MaxGXL stimulates glutathione in the cells which results in the following:

More Energy - Increased Glutathione in your cells can lead to more efficient energy production and increased cellular protection.

Cellular Detox - Glutathione grabs toxins and escorts them out of the body. One of the major functions of Glutathione is the detoxification of foreign chemical compounds such as carcinogens and harmful metabolites.

Peak Athletic Performance - Strenuous exercise requires serious glutathione levels for energy and to help your body recover faster.

Fights Cellular Inflammation - Name a major health issue and you'll find out-of-control inflammation is at the root of it. Glutathione offsets the effects of inflammation at the cellular level in a major way.

Although there are more than 60,000 published papers on glutathione studies reviewed, this documented data may be unknown by many in mainstream medicine. MaxGXL Press Release.

Check out our website at, and learn more about glutathione studies reviewed, and what an increased glutathione level could do for your health.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Max International - Part of Something Powerful!

"This product, in my opinion, represents the single most important breakthrough in health that I will witness in my life time."I believe it will revolutionize, change, and transform the practice of medicine world-wide and make Dr Robert Keller more famous than Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine."Dr.John C Nelson - 159th President of the American Medical Association

Very Powerful words - and also part of the reason I joined Max International. I was not only searching for a change in my lifestyle, but I wanted to feel better, have more energy, and be involved in something positive.

The science behind MaxGXL is truly amazing, the reasons we should all take it are over-powering, but there are thousands of articles about that. The reason for this article, is more about the the life changing direction our lives can take when we are part of something that is bigger than us. Part of something powerful.

Since becoming involved with Max International, I noticed something about the people involved in this business: the people I have met personally, or chatted with on the phone. They are all very different, but they have something in common, a passion and a positive energy I have never experienced anywhere else. Something I am proud to be part of.

It doesn't just come from success, or money, but from also knowing that the product they represent is changing people's lives for the better. They are proud of the company they are part of, and they see people's lives improving every day because of it. They are well aware that they are part of something powerful.

Of course wanting to succeed financially is also part of the Max International plan, and they offer a compensation plan and training program second to no-one.

If you are like I was, and are searching for something to change your life for the better, consider taking a look at Max International. You have nothing to lose, and you might amaze yourself!
Be Part of Something Powerful!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How Can I Make Money From Home?

There are many people that want to stay home and work. The idea is wonderful, but most people don’t know where to start. How can I make money from home? With all the information available, what is the best company out there?

Well, first things first. What are you interested in? It is hard to stay focused if the company you choose and the products you represent are not of interest to you. It would be hard to sell fishing lures if you have never been fishing. You will want to have something in common with the people you approach about your new business.

You will also want to find a company with a proven track record, or a new company with great leadership and a belief system you can identify with. This is a long term venture, so do some research first, and talk to some people involved in the company. Find out about the products this company offers, and try to imagine whom your customers and associates would be if you were involved with this company. Make sure that the systems can be duplicated, so that you can show others how the business works.

Look at the start up cost of your new venture. If your question is how do I make money from home, then you are probably not in the financial position you want to be in, and spending too much on starting a new business could be very upsetting. Do not get talked into spending more than you can afford. You can start many home businesses at around $500.00 and this usually includes some product and training tools. Of course, it is your business, so some financial commitment is expected. Do not believe all the something for nothing promises out there either.

You will also want to look carefully at the compensation plan the company offers. Make sure that it is fair and truly residual, so that if you ever stop growing your business the money keeps coming in. The whole idea of making money from home is that you can build a business that will be working for you even on the days you are not.

Most important is your commitment. If you really want this to work, then you have to decide that nothing will stand in your way. Make a schedule, and stick to it. Make this venture as important as any job you have had in the past. It might be hard at first to focus and set aside time each day, but be diligent. I suggest making a schedule a week at a time, and setting tasks for each day. This creates enough time for the business, and it gives you a feeling of accomplishment when at the end of the week, you have finished all the tasks on your schedule.

It is amazing how things happen when you are truly focused, and in action. Once you find the right company and surround yourself with the right people the question how can I make money from home is suddenly answered. Here’s to your success.

For more information on the company I chose for a home based business check out

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How to choose a top home based business opportunity.

Many people know they want to work from home. What they don’t know is how to choose a top home based business opportunity. Where do you even start?

Well, the most important thing is to start right at the top. Who are the company’s founders? Are they people you would be proud to introduce to your family and friends? Do some research and find out what they have done in the past. You will need to know, so you can tell future prospects, so it should be a story you are happy to share.

What is the company’s credo or vision? Is it something that you also believe in? Ultimately we want to feel that we are doing some good, making the world a better place, not worrying that we may be involved with something that does not deliver what is promised. The customers and team members we find will be associated with us for years to come, so we want to offer them something that has value.

The product you are selling needs to be consumable, or reusable. You have to give people a reason to keep coming back to you (you have more of what they need). The health industry is a great example of this. Whether it is supplements, anti- aging cream, or one of the thousands of other products out there to keep us healthy and more youthful, the secret is, that we use them up and need more.

Make sure there is adequate training, and that this training can be duplicated, so you can teach others. Find out how you look for new associates, and who will help you when you find them. You want to be in business for yourself, but not by yourself. A strong company needs systems and mentoring, so that you will be confident whether you are approaching a beginner or a seasoned Network Marketer.

What else is involved in how to start a top home based business opportunity? Well. Obviously you would be in this for the income, so look carefully at the compensation package. Make sure to choose one that is truly residual, so that if you ever stop growing your business, the money keeps coming in. In our linear jobs, we are usually just trading time for money. In a top home based business opportunity, the time we spend building our business should come back to us over and over again in residual income.

The person or people that invited you to look into this opportunity are as important as the opportunity itself. I felt that this was so different than just having a job. I was creating a lifestyle. I wanted to be sure that the people in my new business were the kind of people I would want to be around, people I would be proud to associate with. Go to a few meetings, make a few phone calls, find out if you want to spend your next years, involved with the people that are involved in this business.

So, how to choose a top home based business opportunity? Well most of it will depend on doing some research, and finding the business that feels right for you. The rest of it will depend on you. How committed you are, and what your vision is for your future.

Remember “To get what we’ve never had, we must do what we have never done!” Find the right company; surround yourself with the right people and jump in with both feet. Here’s to your success.

To see my choice for a top home based business opportunity, check out